Thursday, January 27, 2011

God on a Monday

Today, just a quick story to share.

On Monday I was grumpy.  I had just gotten back from a weekend in the States celebrating Joel's birthday, and I had to spend the day back in Eagle Pass running errands.  With so much to do at our casa Mexico, the next mission trip to plan, and Payton's exams this week, I was ready to get to work at home in Mexico. I was sure God had big things for me to do there.   However, I had to help one of the Pastors with some banking, I had to mail forms for another, and I had to stop and get the supplies for an oil change for a church van.  Everything took longer than expected and I forced myself to smile as I waited in each line thinking it would improve my mood if I could at least get my face happy.

Joel had sent me back with several donations that had to go to different places we serve in Mexico. Several people from different churches in Georgetown had made donations and I was responsible for delivery.  I had planned to go Tuesday so that I could spend some time with each Pastor or family.  In Mexico, there is so such thing as a quick drop-off.

However, here I was in Eagle Pass delayed almost until I had to pick the kids up from school.  I was near the old bridge, which I rarely use, and I crossed the border there only to be delayed again as the Mexico side was stopping every car.  I again attempted to make my face happy as I opened my truck and stumbled though in broken Spanish an explanation of the oil and filters and boxes of chicken.   I realized I reluctantly was near the soup kitchen of Miriam and Orlando and I had a $50 donations to give them.   I needed to pick up the kids, but if I hurry I could get this errand done.   I had not brought the sheet of paper telling me who had donated the funds, and we are very conscientious about making sure doner and donee are connected.  I thought to myself, "Maybe I should not stop here today".  I called Joel and was unable to get a call through.  Ugh.  By this time I was on their street. 

I prayed for patience and crossed into the gate of the soup kitchen.  Orlando and Miriam met me with a smile and outstretched hand, a multitude of kids playing on the playground behind them.  I apologized for having to stop by quickly as I was delayed in picking up the kids from school.  I also handed him the $50 bill and again apologized for not having the name of the person who donated it and told him I would get the name to him tomorrow.  Orlando looked at me with surprise and I thought I saw his knees nearly buckle.

He swallowed hard, pulled out his warn wallet which included the total sum of one quarter, one dime and one nickle and proceeded to tell me this story.  About ten minutes before I arrived, he had called out to the Lord for help.  He had stacked those three coins on the hood of his small purple car and begged the Lord for wisdom.  He has been planting churches and driving which had cost him all his gas.  He had just gotten off a two hour phone call with someone who had accepted Christ by the end of the call, but it had cost Orlando almost all he had.  He cried to the Lord, "What am I to do with only 40 cents?  I do not even have enough pesos left to feed my family or the children of the soup kitchen.  Lord, I am depending on you and I am crying to you for help".  Not ten minutes later I had unplanned and unwillingly pulled through his gate with a mysterious $50 to put in his hand. 

I thanked the Lord for each of my delays and reminded myself that my plan is not always His plan.  I have smiled this week every time I think of that story. 

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