Friday, October 15, 2010

Moving Beyond Surviving

October 15, 2010

We have turned a corner in our missions adventure and absolutely to have moved beyond the "can we do it?" mode.  We were not sure when tackling Mexico if we would spend our time just getting by;  the kids hoping to understand anything at all in school,  I being fearful of leaving the house or driving anywhere alone, the language barrier being difficult to shop for needs, how and where we would enjoy any free time.    What has evolved is an adventure beyond our expectations.

The people we have met have been wonderful, helpful and never even seem to mind that we struggle with our proper verb tense or don't know the correct vocabulary.  The kids took their mid-semester exams in school and both succeeded with scores in the 90's.  (Mitch really studied harder than he ever had.  He had a study guide to answer in Spanish, translated it all to English to make sure he understood it and then memorized the answers in Spanish to take the test.)  Thinking that only 6 weeks into school, he would be able to describe biodiversity or name all the geographical formations in Northern Mexico, and give a written brief history of music..all is Spanish was a real sense of success.  Payton can tell you about the 5 senses, the history of the Mayan culture and name the parts of the solar system all in Spanish.    We exercise outside, walk to local shops for food, and enjoy the full fun of a new culture.  What a blessing!!

God has opened new doors to ministry every week.  We assisted with a medical mission program, will work on the roof at the Orphanage at Casa Bethesda, and have another Intentional Church Planing Training session this month.  We are learning how to be most effective in an area with so many needs.  Joel is working with a brand new ABCD baseball league (Aprende de Baseball Con Dios - Learn about Baseball with God) hoping to help 12 new teams of youth learn about discipline, sports, and hear about God's calling on their life.  Mitch is playing the drums twice a week in a worship team and Payton has her own Sunday School class of about 8 kids who come for crafts and Bible study. 

We have been so blessed by the prayers and help from all our friends.  The only thing I am not blogging!!!  I will get better!!!

No more "can we do it?" it is, "how much can we do?" .  Amen!